Have you ever sat back and asked yourself "what is my why"? Every intention is thought to have a drive, a reason for doing. Motivation that keeps you going when you really feel like giving up. If I had to count the amount of times I've wanted to give up in my life, I can tell you there are not enough numbers.
The amounts of nights I've stayed up questioning; why this is happening to me? why do I keep getting kicked? why can't I have this or that? Finally, I realized the only thing in my way is ME. Instead of asking myself "why is this happening to me?" I learned to move my thinking into "What is this teaching me?".
I realized I had to stop letting everyone's opinion control my next move.. I learned more times than not people spend their time shooting holes in my dreams and ambitions rather than working on their own.. So finally I decided.. I needed to stop taking criticism from the very same people I would NEVER ask for advice from..
My daughter has been raised by a single mother for over 5 years now and has had to watch me get kicked and pick myself back up to keep going .. She has watched me praise the lord screaming to Le'andria Johnson "Deliver me" with tears until 4 am asking God for a sign to give me strength, she's watched me say my positive affirmations to myself every morning day after day.. I want my daughter to be STRONG. I want her to understand you can invite people into your life to add value but to NEVER depend on anyone for anything. I'll keep this first one short but..
That is my "why".